Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Late Christmas Letter or a Chinese New Year Greeting

THE PATTONS                                                                                        Christmas 2013
May the Blessings of Peace on Earth be with You and All Peoples
5537 Chadwick Road -- Fairway, Kansas 66205-2626
913.831.0178 -- E-mail:


Donna and Ron

Celebrated 49th wedding anniversary in Vienna, Austria
Traveled to Bloomington, MN on several other occasions to visit Andy’s family
Traveled to London in July and joined the Village Church Choir in Munich to tour
and sing in Bavaria, Salzburg, Prague and Vienna
Active in various fine and performing arts organizations in the Kansas City area
Enjoy the Ball (ballroom dancing) Club of Kansas City
Love being grandparents to Frances and Kai


Continues her career of 34 years as a financial advisor with Principal Financial Group
Sings in the Village Church Choir, serves on Presbytery and professional committees
Had knee reconstructive surgery in February
Swims most mornings each week


Continues at Village Presbyterian Church as Media Production Coordinator
Completed service as Moderator of the Presbytery Board of Trustees
Serves on several other Presbytery committees and commissions

Andy, Jill, Kai and Frances

Enjoy their home in Bloomington, MN
Andy continues as International Business Development Manager for a bicycle company,
traveling in Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East
Jill is a free-lance writer and teaches yoga
Celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary on September 30
Frances celebrated her sixth birthday on September 6 and attends an Arts-centered
Kai is a 7th grader, an accomplished soccer player and active Boy Scout

Kirk and Terra

Kirk and Terra celebrated their second wedding anniversary on April 3
Kirk and Terra continue as owner/operators of Bang & Olufsen,
Beo (rescued as a kitten) works and lives with Kirk and Terra
Kirk sings in the Kansas City Symphony Chorus; is an elder at Christ Presbyterian Church

Sally – The Kitty Cat

Four year old, very active tortoise-color kitty who likes to get Ron
up in morning  and observe the birds at the feeders in the winter

Pictures of the Family from 2013
49th Anniversary in Vienna, Austria

The Grand Kids
Kai and Frances

Donna and her men
Andy, Ron and Kirk

The Patton Ladies
Terra, Donna, Frances, Jill